End Omega
This story revolves around a group of adventurers In a world ruled by the nine nations that seek the Holy Eye of Numen. Although, the World they live in is in a constant battle against the Order of Hollow. An evil organization preventing any individual from finding the Eye that seeks destruction upon humanity.
Xy and Zao are the main characters of this story. Their eldest brother, Chaiser had been offered to search for the Eye of Numen, he left his loved ones, but never came back. The only answer for Xy and Zao to which where Chaiser would be, is through the search of the Eye. Alongside their chance to protect their destiny against the Order of Hollow.
End Omega is an ongoing series with more than 30 chapters published. It contains unpublished chapters you will be given early-access to whenever you buy my book! Your support is greatly appreciated, hency why I will include your name in every new chapter published! (Please note that the following 37 episodes are the already published ones. Unpublished ones will be uploaded here with its manuscript, without the external link.)